Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Preservice Starts Tomorrow

Vacation time is over! I've had a blast the past two weeks and I've tried to do nothing school related in order to just relax. This past week I've been in California and I had a blast. We went to the U.S.S. Midway and climbed aboard the ship to view the museum. We went to the beach and spent a day boogie boarding (my favorite thing in the world to do!). We went to Balboa Park which has 16 museums and so much to explore! One of the days we went out to Coronado island and rented bikes and just biked around the island. The last day we went to Seaworld. I'll tell you my mind is so refreshed that on the drive back to Vegas, I was started planning how I can make this year better.

One thing that I always need to work on is providing balance in my life. I have a habit of becoming so one track minded that I neglect everything else until I become done with that one thing and move on to the next. For example, when I first started my TeachersPayTeachers store, I became obsessed with creation that I just kept going everyday until I burned out. I haven't really been making TeachersPayTeachers products lately because I haven't been in the mindset for it. This past year, my one track mind was so set on work that I neglected a lot! Like I said, I need balance.

So on the drive home as I was thinking of balance, a few things came to mind in order to make this new school year a good one. First off, I would like to work on a better nightly routine to prepare for bed so I can sleep, wake up on time, and feel ready to go. I created a checklist (yes on Trello) of what I need to do nightly in order to build healthy routines. Second, I created a checklist of what I would like to accomplish weekly that is not so one-track minded. For instance, I would like to spend time at the gym, working on homework, and creating one product a week to put back up on my Teacher's store.

So preservice starts tomorrow and therefore, I'm starting these new routines tomorrow! I hope I'm not sounding like Thanos but balance is definitely a good thing!

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